
Showing posts from October, 2023

Power of YouTube Analytics for Artists

In a world of constant consumption, artists face the challenge of navigating a fast-paced day-to-day life.Whether it's creating new music, planning fresh content, or building their brand, understanding their audience is key. YouTube's Analytics for Artists, affectionately known as YouTube Analytics (YTA), emerges as an indispensable tool for artists and content creators in their quest to connect with their audience on a deeper level. Meet Nicole Hunter, Your Guide to YouTube Analytics Hi, I'm Nicole Hunter, a Label Relations Manager at YouTube. In this article, I'll walk you through the essential features of YouTube Analytics for Artists, demonstrating how it empowers you to make data-driven decisions for your music releases and content strategy. Getting Started with YouTube Analytics Before you delve into the world of YouTube Analytics, make sure you have an Official Artist Channel (OAC). If you don't have one, reach out to your label or distributor representative ...

why stock market down today ? | stock market crash | nifty crash

  हेलो एवरीवन कैसे हैं आप सब और क्या हाल समाचार हैं आपके देखिए अगर हम पिछले कुछ दिनों से देखें तो मार्केट लगातार गिर रहा है वहीं पर लास्ट तीन दिन से लगातार लर्निंग आपको दे रहे हैं कि मार्केट में इंटरनेशनल लेवल पर क्या चल रहा है मैक्रो इकोनॉमिक डाटा के लेवल पर क्या चल रहा है जो क्लियर कट बता रहा है कि मार्केट में कहीं ना कहीं गिरावट बन सकती है और आज भी हम लाइव मार्केट में आए क्योंकि आप लोग कैसे क्या समझते हैं मुझे पता नहीं बट हमने आपको पहले भी वर्न किया था कि वर्ल्ड मार्केट में किस तरीके से गिरावट बन सकती है  परसों भी वीडियो बनाई थी आज भी लाइव मार्केट में आए और आपको क्रिस्प क्लियर बताया कि 19200 के नीचे मार्केट कमजोर हो सकता है जो आपने लाइव प्रूफ के तौर पे देखा उसके अलावा अगर आप देखें टिप्स टिप्स से कभी पैसा नहीं कमा सकते टिप्स सिर्फ होटल में मिलती है और टिप्स के कारण ही लोग लॉस में हमारा काम एजुकेट करना है हमारा काम आपको बताना है क्योंकि अब एक इंटरेस्टिंग सी चीज बताता हूं मंडे को जो मार्केट गिरावट हुई उसमें बंडल ने योगदान किया करेक्ट और आज जो मार्केट मे गिरावट हुई उसमें एक और ...

YouTube Partner Program: YouTube par Kamai kaise kare

आपकी Creativity को पुरस्कृत करना तो बनता है। यही वजह है कि किसी और platform के मुकाबले YouTube partner program पर आपको content और community के ज़रिए कमाई करने की ज़्यादा तरीके मिलते हैं। चलिए जानते हैं कि YPP के लिए ज़रूरी शर्तें कैसे पूरी करें और आवेदन कैसे करें? साथ ही हम जानेंगे कि आवेदन को स्वीकार कैसे किया जाता है और YPP में शामिल होने के बाद आपको कौन सी सुविधाये मिलती हैं? YouTube partner program में शामिल होने का आवेदन करने के लिए ये शर्तें पूरी करना ज़रूरी है। आपने channel से कमाई करने के लिए YouTube की तय Monetization या मूत्रीकरण नीतियों का पालन किया हो। आप ऐसे देश में मौजूद हो जहां YPP की सुविधा उपलब्ध हो। आपके channel पर community दिशानिर्देशों के उल्लंघन की कोई भी strike मौजूद ना हो। आपने Google account के लिए दो चरणों में पुष्टि करने की सुविधा चालू की हो। आपके channel पर YouTube की ad sense सुविधाएं चालू हो।  YouTube account के लिए AdSense का setup पूरा कर लिया गया हो या उसका link तैयार हो? साथ ही आपने हमारे कार्यक्रम में शामिल होने की कोई एक शर्त पूरी की हो। Fan fund...

Salman Rushdie awarded peace prize

The Indian-British writer Salman Rushdie received the German book trade's Peace Prize. With a view to the war against Ukraine and the terror of Hamas, the author used his speech to appeal for freedom. Salman Rushdie awarded the Peace Prize in the German Book Trade. At the ceremony in Frankfurt's Paulskirche, the 76-year-old writer accepted the prize to great applause. The Peace Prize is 25,000 euros and is considered the most important literary award in the country. Honored people have contributed to realization of the idea of ​​peace. The award ceremony marks the end of the 75th Frankfurt Book Fair. Rushdie calls for the defense of freedom of expression "We live in a time that I never thought I would have to live through," said Rushdie in his acceptance speech. "A time in freedom - especially freedom of expression, without which world of a book not exists - is attack on all sides by reactionary, authoritarian, populist, half-educated, demagogic & careless vo...

Wellme BioVanish Review : How to Weight Loss

What Is Exactly BioVanish?  BioVanish is a weight management solution designed to target and eliminate excess body fat. This innovative formula is the brainchild of Andrea Taylor, a passionate fitness expert who dedicated a significant portion of her life to the pursuit of an effective weight loss solution. After perfecting her formulation, Andrea Taylor partnered with WellMe Labs to bring BioVanish to life. This weight loss supplement harnesses cutting-edge scientific techniques to combat fat accumulation. One of its key mechanisms is known as the "dairy farm method," which revs up the body's metabolism. Over time, this method burns surplus fat, especially in problem areas like the belly. With BioVanish gaining attention and acclaim in the pharmaceutical realm, it warrants a closer examination, beginning with its renowned mechanism. How Does BioVanish Work? Naturally produced dairy on farms contains fats composed of 9 carbons, commonly referred to as "9-c fats....

How to Become a Digital Marketer

businesses spend two-thirds of their advertising budget on digital channels hence digital marketers are getting in demand hi guys this is Ishu Sharma from ytff and welcome to this blog on how to become a digital marketer. first, let's have a look at the agenda we'll start with why you should become a  digital marketer followed by who is a  digital marketer we'll then have a quick look at the digital marketing skills along with real job descriptions and finally, we will address the learning path how to become a digital marketer. why you should become a digital marketer First and foremost you may consider the fact that you can practice digital marketing as a freelancer and make it your own business from the perspective of job opportunities in India for digital marketers. we have more than a thousand vacant jobs and in us even more than 13 000 vacant jobs if we consider the tech hubs in these countries  Bangalore alone has 360 plus jobs and  California has more than 2 0...

NEW: YouTube Create App Lets you Easily Edit Videos and Shorts Right from Your Phone

The YouTube Create app lets you easily edit videos and Shorts right from your phone. No matter how simple or complex your ideas are YouTube Create lets you bring them to life, completely free of charge. Now let's walk through how to create and edit projects. When you first open YouTube Create, you can tap the plus button to start a new project. Here, you'll see your device's videos and photos. You can sort by tapping "Gallery" and choosing a specific folder. To import a clip, tap it, then tap "Import." Before you start editing, you can choose your project's orientation by tapping the three-dot menu, then "Aspect ratio." You can change this at any point during the editing process. YouTube Create supports 16:9 for videos and 9:16 for Shorts. The footage you chose will be added to the editing timeline. This is where you can make edits, add new clips, and preview your work. YouTube Create gives you the full editing suite right at your fingertip...

YouTube Partner Programme: How to make money on YouTube

Your creativity deserves to be rewarded that's why the Youtube Partner Program offers more ways to make money from your channel and community than anywhere else. Let's walk through how to qualify, apply, and get approved and what becomes available to you once you're in. To apply for the YouTube Partner Program you must follow YouTube's channel monetization policies live in a location where YPP is available have no active Community Guideline strikes on your channel have two-step verification turned on for your Google account have advanced features access on YouTube be ready to set up or link an AdSense for YouTube account and hit one of our eligibility thresholds. To earn with Fan Funding and certain shopping features the thresholds are 500 subscribers three valid public uploads in the last ninety days and either 3000 valid public watch hours in the past year, or three million valid public Shorts views in the last ninety days. As you continue to grow, you'll unlock r...

YouTube Copyright Basics

 Hey everybody!  OK, you're here on the YouTube copyright page. So, if you're watchin' this, you're probably havin'  problems with your video gettin' taken down, or you think someone else uploaded your video.  Fafa, stop the video! [STEALING VIDEO–REUPLOADING TO YOUR CHANNEL]  Mario, we can't stop. YouTube hired us to make this video. But the video is being stolen and reuploaded, right now!  [TITLE: GLOVE AND BOOTS EXPLAINS YOUR COPYRIGHT RIGHTS]  Here we are on YouTube where everybody is uploading videos. If you create original content, you're protected by copyright. If you upload content you took from someone else, they're protected by copyright.Yeah!? Well copyright is not doing crap! YouTube hired us to make this video and it has just been stolen! I'm going to tell the bigwigs at YouTube that we should be fired ...You know there's links on this page  that can help you, right? You don't have to watch this. [FRED VON LOHMANN – YOUTUBE C...